Although some people think of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements as somehow contrary to the spirit of entering into a marriage, it is important to consider your future. Especially in second or subsequent marriage situations, it is important to consider the impact that a future divorce could have on your finances and on the inheritance you are planning for your children and grandchildren. If you are considering marriage, speak with an attorney about how a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement could protect your present and future financial interests.
At Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates, we have a wealth of experience helping clients establish prenuptial agreements. Our Alexandria prenuptial agreement lawyers have more than 30 years of family law experience. We focus on providing you with sound legal counsel by taking the time to understand your legal goals. Our lawyers build solid working relationships with our clients based on trust and communication. We will work with you and your future spouse to establish a prenuptial agreement that is equitable, while remaining sensitive to the need to maintain the relationship in the process.
Marriage Agreements
Preparing for a marriage should be a happy time. We work hard to avoid causing turbulence in the relationship while negotiating prenuptial agreements with our clients and their future spouses. One of the most important benefits of a prenuptial agreement is that it allows a couple to make determinations about many divorce-related matters at a time when they are still happy and able to work together amicably. Prenups can be established to predetermine matters that include:
- Division of property
- Spousal support
- Responsibility for expenses
- Division of debt
We will walk you and your future spouse through the process and protect your interests with a prenuptial agreement.
Contact A Fairfax County Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer
To schedule a consultation with an experienced prenuptial agreement lawyer from Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates, call Jeff Vogelman at 703-836-3400 or contact us online.