Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates Family Law, Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant Law, Personal Injury
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February 2014 Archives

Should gay couples in Virginia sign prenuptial agreements?

In a recent hearing, a Virginia court has overturned state law and lifted the ban on gay marriages, creating a major legal victory for the LGBT community. The court further ruled that the state must respect same-sex marriages being carried out legally in other states. If this ruling survives Virginia Supreme Court review, same-sex couples in the state will finally be on the same footing as their heterosexual counterparts.

Parents: Avoid these divorce pitfalls

As divorcing parents in Virginia are likely aware, there is a lot to consider during divorce. Child custody arrangements must be settled, marital assets must be divided and alimony must be decided on. Because they have so much on their plates, it is understandable that divorcing parents sometimes make mistakes. When they are equipped with the right kind of knowledge, however, divorcing parents can avoid these divorce pitfalls and devise a strong and effective divorce strategy. Recently a divorce attorney writing on a popular news site listed some mistakes parents are prone to make.

A look at prenuptial agreements

Prenuptial agreements sometimes get a bad rap. There are some soon-to-be married couples who do not believe pre-nuptials to be in line with their ideas of marriage. The fact remains, however, that couples have a statistically high chance of getting a divorce. Every situation is different, but it never hurts to plan ahead. And, with an understanding of what prenuptial agreements entail, many are more willing to consider them as an option and become open to discussing the option with their partners.

Shared parenting is a point of contention

Child custody cases usually boil down to one deciding factor -- the child's best interests. Though this may sound fairly straightforward to most Virginia residents, it is oftentimes difficult to determine what exactly constitutes the best interests of the child. There are various factors that go into the analysis, including the mental and physical health of the parents, the need for continuation of a stable home environment, the wishes of the child, among a variety of other considerations.

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Alexandria, VA 22314

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