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Parents: Avoid these divorce pitfalls

As divorcing parents in Virginia are likely aware, there is a lot to consider during divorce. Child custody arrangements must be settled, marital assets must be divided and alimony must be decided on. Because they have so much on their plates, it is understandable that divorcing parents sometimes make mistakes. When they are equipped with the right kind of knowledge, however, divorcing parents can avoid these divorce pitfalls and devise a strong and effective divorce strategy. Recently a divorce attorney writing on a popular news site listed some mistakes parents are prone to make.

One of these common mistakes occurs when parents over-extend themselves during divorce, which often has serious consequences. For example, with obligations to pay alimony, child support and dual household expenses, a parent can get worn down quickly - both emotionally and financially. It is important for a parent to develop a divorce plan that includes a realistic budget. By consulting with an attorney, a parent can set priorities and develop a budget that is affordable.

Another mistake parents sometimes make is seeking peace at any price. For example, sometimes a parent will settle for a parenting plan they know is not ideal in order to placate the other spouse. Doing so is understandable - parents usually want to avoid court if possible - but it is often misguided. In the end, the children's best interests are what matter most, and there are times when it is necessary to fight to protect those interests. Compromise is good, but not at the children's expense.

Source: Huffington Post, "5 Dumb Mistakes Dads Make During Divorce and How to Avoid Them," B. Robert Farzad, Feb. 13, 2014

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