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Is divorce through technology advisable?

With the advent of the internet, the world experienced many changes. Emails made correspondence faster, and reaching out to prospective customers became easier when the world became accessible online. Today, many people from Virginia use technology to buy various products online. Food deliveries, paying bills and accessing medical records is now very easy thanks to technology. However, using the internet may not be advisable in certain circumstances.

According to sources, using technology for divorce may not be advisable. When a couple decides to part ways, the reasons for their decision will be mostly different from other couples facing a similar situation. Technology works only on the information provided by the couple, and it isn't always necessary for the couple to know about their spouse's income, property and assets. The spouse may also be hiding some assets or may have created new accounts to hide some assets and the other spouse may never know about this. In a traditional divorce, the court may freeze all marital property, however, in an online divorce the spouse may get a chance to hide some assets without being detected.

Moreover, technology does not react compassionately to any situation and it may not be a good way to calculate alimony or child support. Traditionally the number of children, health, lifestyle and medical complications are considered when deciding critical issues like child custody and child support, but in an online divorce it may not be possible to negotiate factors like these.

Some people have a general knowledge about family law and they may try to use this information to get an online divorce. But there is a chance that the person may miss out on certain laws, which may be crucial in the divorce. In such cases extensive knowledge in family law may benefit the couple. Professional advice may help the person negotiate a fair divorce.

Source: Huffington Post, "Divorce Is Not a One-Size-Fits-All Business, So Why Do It Online?," Brendan Lyle, April 8, 2014

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