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No-fault divorce has advantages

Many Alexandria, Virginia residents are aware of the term no-fault divorce. Divorce normally brings emotional heartbreak, custody fights and property disputes. According to a U.S.-based psychological association, nearly 40 percent to 50 percent of U.S. couples divorce. No-fault divorce allows couples to simply and legally end a marriage without establishing a reason, such as committing domestic violence or adultery. No longer being in love is now a justifiable reason for a couple to file for divorce. However, some legislators are against this ideology.

In Virginia, a no-fault divorce with mutual consent is awarded only if a couple has been living separately for a year. In exceptional cases, a divorce may be granted in just six months. Legislation that allows couples to back-date a separation is very disturbing to some lawmakers because no-fault divorce implies that divorce with mutual consent might make it too easy to divorce. Couples who professed to love, honor and cherish now can end a marriage by just by moving away.

In some states, law-makers are considering legislation that will prohibit this kind of divorce. Some bills will only allow this divorce in cases of impotency. However, a positive outcome of no-fault divorce is that domestic violence of women and children has plummeted by one-third in a decade. The number of men killing their wives has also seen an astonishing 10 percent drop. The suicidal rate among women has also fallen by 11 percent.

Admittedly, if a spouse has fallen out of love and cannot divorce, home life cannot be very harmonious. Children who grow up in a home with parental discontent tend to be more depressed and may suffer from anxiety and aggression. To put an end to all this, parting ways amicably seems to be the best solution. Of course a disputed divorce should be discussed with an Alexandria family law attorney.

Source:, "No-fault divorce needs to stay," Lindsey Clark, April 29, 2014

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