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A child custody plan should address the needs of military member

Military service is demanding and sometimes compels the service person to prioritize the career over the family life. People across the United States understand the challenges of balancing family life with serving in the military. It can be trying to go through a divorce while serving in the military and it can be even more difficult if various legal issues come up during the divorce process.

It is not necessarily true that a parent serving in the military should not have primary custody of a child after the divorce has been finalized. Each state in the U.S. has laws governing child custody agreements and most of those laws mandate that the parents work out a custody plan that accommodates the professional demands of each parent.

The custody plan for a child who has at least one parent serving in the military must take certain facts into consideration. Every custody plan involving a military parent must allow for the situation when that parent is deployed and when such deployment ends. Also, the plan must account for a situation when the parent is deployed out of the state or out of the country. The custody plan can be modified based on circumstances that change, such as the spouse remarrying or a change in employment.

Both parents have equal responsibility to financially support their children. Every military service regulation requires that its members provide adequate support to the family members. Family support guidelines can help reduce the financial difficulties until the child support orders have been finalized.

However, it might be difficult to resolve child custody disputes when one is engaged in active duty. If the person finds it difficult to resolve the issues without support, it might help to consult an attorney who can take care of the legal issues, such as drafting a custody plan that is appropriate for a parent in the military.

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