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The grounds for seeking divorce in Virginia can be varied

The end of a marriage in Virginia or anywhere else in the United States can be a traumatic experience for everyone involved. There are two types of divorces in Virginia: divorce from bed and board and a complete break off from the matrimonial bond. Whichever type of divorce an individual is pursuing, it is better to consult an experienced attorney, who can provide valuable advice on how to properly file for a divorce.

A divorce from bed and board does not lead to a complete breakdown of a marriage and an individual cannot remarry for that reason. After being separated for a year, a person may then seek a divorce in court. The Virginia Law firm of Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates has decades of experience in family law and can provide legal counsel for those people who wish to obtain a divorce. Abandonment is one those grounds and an experienced attorney knows which grounds can legitimately be used in a divorce trial in order for the outcome to be successful.

If a person is compelled to seek a divorce on the grounds of cruel treatment, an experienced attorney can provide legal counsel on the next steps in the process. In addition to a fault-based divorce, an individual may also seek a no-fault divorce. A couple may file for that type of divorce if they have been separated for a year or more.

In that situation, an attorney can provide knowledgeable advice about the need for a separation agreement and a property settlement agreement before filing for a no-fault divorce. A no-fault divorce also has another requirement, the couple seeking the divorce must not have minor children living with them.

Our firm's website has a wealth of information about a variety of divorce topics. The website can be a good starting point for anyone who is contemplating divorce.

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