Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates Family Law, Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant Law, Personal Injury
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June 2016 Archives

How does Virginia help keep track of child support payments?

If child support payments are ordered by a family court in Virginia after a divorce, the state's Department of Social Services will make sure that these payments are made on time and that they are correctly accounted for. But since these payments can take place over many years, it can be difficult to keep an accurate accounting of them. So, how does the state help the parent who pays child support keep track of these payments?

What does Virginia law say about retirement funds and divorce?

It's not uncommon for many Virginia couples to plan for their golden years by opening up different kinds of retirement accounts. If they're fortunate their employer will also contribute a certain specified percentage to their accounts. But, what happens to these accounts if the couple decides to get divorced?

Typical subjects that could be covered in a prenuptial agreement

A prenuptial agreement can be a very flexible tool and it can help protect the assets of both spouses should they decide to divorce. It can also offer debt protection for both of the spouses. These can be crucial benefits for anyone who is starting their life over and may now only have one source of income to depend on. There are some typical topics that could be included in a prenuptial agreement in order to provide maximum protection.

Reducing the emotional stress of a divorce

Divorce can significantly alter a person's life in many ways. There are the obvious changes, of course, such as living single and possibly becoming a single parent. But there is also the stress of a divorce which can affect your emotions and mental health. However, there are techniques that you can use to help reduce the amount of stress that builds during a divorce.

What does Virginia law say about best interests of the child?

When a couple in Virginia has a child and there is a decision as to child custody and visitation rights, the state will pay great attention to the best interests of the child. The court has numerous factors that it will consider when making the decision regarding child custody. Parents who are in the midst of a case regarding child custody or are having a dispute need to know about these factors as the case commences.

Situations when a parent should seek a child support modification

Even though a divorce decree can seem final, there are times when a former spouse can seek modifications in the terms of their divorce. Perhaps the parent wants to modify the child custody agreement. Or if they are the non-custodial parent, they may need to request a change in their child support payments. However, seeking a change in their child support payments may only occur during certain specific situations. Here are a few situations that may require a child support modification.

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Alexandria, VA 22314

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