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How to create a parenting plan for a military divorce

Creating a parenting plan can be difficult for any divorcing couple, but if you are part of a military family in Virginia, you may find the process even harder. Not only will all of the typical details need to be considered, but the inconsistencies of military life can make the process much more complicated. We at Jeffrey A Vogelman want to keep the process as simple as possible. offers several things to keep in mind as you prepare your plan. First, determine what your plans for the next several years will be. Is there a chance you will be deployed for long periods of time? Will you be strictly gone on certain weekends? Is there a chance you will be called in to service at the last minute, requiring an emergency plan to be put in place? It is a good idea to develop a parenting plan for each of these situations.


Next, consider where you may be placed. Some branches of the military may require you to move to different bases. One thing you need to consider is whether or not you will be able to care for your children while you are at various locations. Some spots may be too dangerous to house children and others may be too far away from your ex-spouse to allow frequent visits. You will need to talk these things over as a family and determine what will happen in each scenario.


Having plans in place for all circumstances that military families can face may help you and your children be able to physically and mentally prepare for the changes that happen. Check out our page on military divorce for more information about how to handle separation in your family.

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