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How should you manage online accounts in a divorce?

When you go through a divorce in Virginia, you typically consider how you and your ex-husband will separate your material assets. However, it is important to consider your online accounts as well.

According to USA Today, your social media accounts are among the online services you should separate. If you and your ex-husband have a shared Facebook page, it is recommended that you both establish your own page and delete the old one. It is also a good idea to decide how you will manage your new social media account. You should typically take into consideration your privacy settings, the information you share and your friends list, and you may want to adjust all of these depending on the amount of information you want your ex-husband to have access to.

When you separate your online activity, you should typically look beyond social media. If you and your husband have a shared email address, you may want to set up your own personal email to keep your correspondence private. Additionally, it is generally recommended that you create new accounts for your streaming services and for websites such as

It is also a good idea to make sure that you remove all of your important data from a shared computer. This can include financial information, such as your tax returns and credit card numbers, and personal data, such as your photographs. You may also want to modify your security questions and passwords.

This information is general in nature and should not be considered legal advice.

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