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When is the time to request a child support modification?

When you receive the final court order for child support in Virginia, it is important that you understand it is not actually permanent. You can request a modification later if a need arises. Modifications are allowed by law. They must be done through the court, though. If you try to modify your payments outside of court, between you and the child's other parent, then you will run into issues with the state, which collects fees on all your payments. 

According to the Office of Child Support Enforcement, you have a right to request a modification of child support if you are receiving or paying the support. The state automatically allows for a review of your case every three years. At that time, a modification may be made if circumstances have changed for either of you. 

You also have the right to make a request if you have significant changes in your situation. For example, if you lose a job, get a raise or one of your children is no longer living with the parent receiving support. These situations could trigger the court to reduce or increase the support payments. 

Issues with medical costs may also result in a modification request. If your child has had major changes in medical care or if your medical insurance situation has changed, then you could request a modification. The same thing is true for child care cost changes. 

Requests for a modification must be made in writing to the court. This information is for educational purposes only and not to be used as legal advice. 

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