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Posts tagged "child support"

How does Virginia help keep track of child support payments?

If child support payments are ordered by a family court in Virginia after a divorce, the state's Department of Social Services will make sure that these payments are made on time and that they are correctly accounted for. But since these payments can take place over many years, it can be difficult to keep an accurate accounting of them. So, how does the state help the parent who pays child support keep track of these payments?

Situations when a parent should seek a child support modification

Even though a divorce decree can seem final, there are times when a former spouse can seek modifications in the terms of their divorce. Perhaps the parent wants to modify the child custody agreement. Or if they are the non-custodial parent, they may need to request a change in their child support payments. However, seeking a change in their child support payments may only occur during certain specific situations. Here are a few situations that may require a child support modification.

Methods of collection for delinquent child support in Virginia

When a couple with children divorces, a court often decides that one of the parents should have primary custody of the child, while the other parent is designated the non-custodial parent. The non-custodial parent will then have to provide monthly child support payments to the custodial parent. However, a parent may stop making these payments for any number of reasons. In situations where this occurs, the state of Virginia can use a variety of methods to help enforce a child support order.

TV superstar seeks to reduce child support payments

Sometimes, a non-custodial parent who is paying child support may need to seek an agreement modification for the amount of support they are paying. Their life may have gone through significant changes such as a job loss or even getting remarried. However, one Hollywood superstar is seeking a child support modification even though he recently signed an agreement that earned him millions of dollars.

Establishing paternity in Virginia

Becoming a father is a major life responsibility and can cause a flood of emotions. Florida paternity is just as important for a child as well because it gives them an identity, establishes a health history and increases their self esteem. Paternity also establishes a permanent legal bond between the child and the father and can even provide important legal benefits, including child support. Establishing paternity in Virginia is not complicated and can be done in several ways.

Are there child support issues the DCSE in VA can't settle?

Child custody and support in Virginia can be a thorny issue whether the couple was married and got a divorce or if they simply had a relationship and share a child. There are numerous problems that can arise and the Department of Child Support Enforcement is available to help both the custodial parent and the supporting parent deal with them while keep in mind the best interests of the child. That, however, does not involve every possible problem. This is why it's important to know not only what the DCSE can do, but what it can't.

How we can help to protect the best interests of the child

Virginia courts evaluate the amount of child support to be paid by the non-custodial parent on the basis of that parent's income and on the basis of what the child needs. Thus, child support payments, which are often paid monthly, help to support the basic needs of the minor child, including paying for food and clothing. In some cases, the child may even have some special needs for necessary medical treatment. The court will look into all of those factors before making a final decision about the child support amount.

Delinquent child support payments gets rapper arrested

Virginia courts award child support payments to the custodial parent in most cases when it can be proved that the best interest of the child are served by the noncustodial parent providing financial support for the minor child. In most cases, the noncustodial parent might be earning more than the custodial parent or is proved to be in a better financial position than the custodial parent.

Failure to pay child support can lead to penalties

Virginia residents may agree that divorce often creates a difficult emotional situation for children. They feel insecure as their parents engage in a war of words. What some parents fail to recognize is that while they might have fallen out of love, their children still want them to live together under the same roof. Constantly keeping the best interest of the child in mind, the Virginia courts generally grant custody to one parent. The other parent is usually ordered to pay child support.

Child support is meant to protect a child's best interest

There are many custodial parents in Alexandria, Virginia, who are child support recipients. Those parents might agree that the money that they receive in the form of monthly child support payments is critical for the upbringing of their child. Therefore, if those payments stop or become irregular, the custodial parent and the child may have to face a number of financial hardships.

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