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Divorce Archives

Basic steps to take before beginning divorce proceedings

It's very painful when someone comes to the realization that their marriage is over. Emotions can run high and it can be difficult to focus on the practical issues of a divorce. However, focusing on the important tasks at hand is one way to protect oneself during the divorce process itself. In fact, there are even steps people in Virginia can take before they begin the divorce process. So here is a quick look at some of these important tasks.

How is child support calculated using the Income Shares Model?

Child support can be a very hotly debated topic during a divorce in Virginia. States use different child support guidelines and models to calculate the amount of support. Currently, there are three different models that are used, including the Melson Formula, the Income Shares Model and the Percentage of Income Model. The most popular model in the country is the Income Shares Model, and Virginia is one of the 39 states that use it. But how is child support calculated using the Income Shares Model?

Acceptable legal reasons for seeking a divorce decree

The commonwealth of Virginia acknowledges two kinds of ways to dissolve a marriage. The first is divorce from bed and board while the other is a divorce from the bond of matrimony. Divorce from bed and board is a partial kind of divorce where a couple becomes legally separated from each other but is unable to marry anyone else. A divorce from the bond of matrimony is a full and final divorce. Someone who has been issued a divorce from bed and board can request a judge to grant a divorce from the bond of matrimony after a year has passed. However, there are several specific reasons for requesting each type of divorce. So here are some typical legal reasons for each of these types of divorce.

Hollywood megastar couple headed for divorce court

When a Hollywood couple decides to divorce, the usual result is a tremendous amount of publicity, press coverage and tongue wagging. However, as Virginia residents may know, when a Hollywood megastar couple decides to get divorced, the result can be a publicity shockwave of earthquake proportions. Recently, the news of a divorce for a superstar Hollywood couple has set all of tinsel town, as well as the rest of the world, buzzing about the news.

How is property divided in an equitable distribution state?

Property division can be one of the most hotly contested issues during a divorce. However, how marital property is ultimately divided can come down to whether a state is a community property state or an equitable distribution state. Virginia is an equitable distribution state, which means that a divorce court takes into account what the financial capabilities of each spouse are. Here are some common factors that Virginia courts take into consideration during the property division process.

Typical divorce subjects covered by a temporary relief hearing

Getting a divorce in Virginia can be very complicated. There are usually a number of issues that must be resolved including alimony, distribution of property, child custody and child support. Sometimes these issues can take many months to completely iron out. That's why divorcing spouses can request a temporary relief hearing during the early stages of a divorce. So here is a brief look at the topics that may be included in a temporary relief hearing.

What areas can be affected differently by a senior divorce?

According to many recent reports, the divorce rate for senior citizens has doubled over the last 25 years. And while that information may be disturbing to many seniors, this trend will probably continue. But senior citizens who decide to divorce may be unaware that certain aspects of a divorce can affect them differently than a younger couple who gets divorced. But exactly what divorce areas can be different for seniors?

What the time of year says about divorce

A recent university study provided some insight into the timing of divorce and periods of the year that couples are most likely to divorce. The study was based on divorce filings in a northwest state and revealed that the months of March and August see a spike in divorces and that the fall and winter months see somewhat of a decline in divorce filings.

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