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Posts tagged "prenuptial agreements"

The power of the law: prenuptial agreements

Marriage is, at least in part, a contract forming a partnership between two people. Virginia state law dictates most of the terms of this partnership, but couples also have the option to extend or modify the details in the form of a prenuptial agreement. However, this power is limited, and it is often advisable that future married people should approach these agreements with an eye for future validity. 

Why would a prenup benefit your marriage?

You are excited about your upcoming wedding and still soaking in the bliss of your engagement. The last thing on your mind right now is if your relationship will end in an abrupt divorce. However, planning ahead for the future and signing a notarized prenup in Virginia with your spouse, is an excellent way to have peace of mind and security. 

Reasons not to sign a prenuptial agreement

Prenuptial agreements can be very important in establishing what rights spouses have in the event of a Virginia divorce. However, there are some circumstances in which you may not want to sign on the dotted line just yet. According to Findlaw, a prenuptial agreement may contain provisions that could render it invalid in a court of law. At the very least, you want to be able to examine any prenuptial agreement for provisions that could harm you or put you at a disadvantage.

How to talk to your fiance about a prenup

If you and your partner are like most Virginia couples, then procrastination is by far the most preferred method of dealing with prenuptial agreements. At Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates, we often advise our clients to pursue these conversations early. The weeks leading up to the wedding are no time to be talking about your property division or spousal support plans.  

What are you risking if you do not have a prenuptial agreement?

You may feel offended or upset at the idea of getting a prenuptial agreement before getting married in Virginia. You are not alone. This type of legal agreement makes many people feel uncomfortable. Some people even believe creating one means a couple is sure their marriage will fail. However, if you want to be smart about your assets that you bring into the marriage, then a prenup is a very good idea. Furthermore, even if you have not drawn up one, you still have one.

Understanding the benefit of a postnuptial agreement

Like many of those in Alexandria City that we here at Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates have assisted over the years, you may have been so caught up in the love and affection you felt for your spouse during your engagement that the thought of your marriage ending never even crossed your mind (much less seeing the need to have a prenuptial agreement). Even now, the possibility may seem remote. So why consider delineating your personal assets at all? There actually may be a number of very good reasons. 

Is your prenup invalid?

Before you wed in Viginia, you may have entered into a prenup agreement and assumed that your rights and assets would be protected if your marriage ended in divorce. Many people are surprised to find that their premarital agreement may not be as sound as they believed it to be. We at Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates can not only assist you as you establish a prenup before you are married, we can also help you determine if your existing agreement is valid.

Why You Should File Prenuptial Agreements in Virginia

Getting married irrefutably serves as the ultimate form of happiness to most couples in the U.S. According to them, nothing can be compared to spending cherished moments with their loved ones as well as raising a new family. Despite the bubble perceived by most spouses, you might want to prepare prenuptial agreements with the sole intention of protecting your assets in case the marriage fails. Despite common beliefs, prenuptial agreements don't intend to limit expressions of love and unconditional support to your significant other. They merely act as a security mechanism when the dreaded divorce finally beckons on your door.

What can I include in a prenuptial agreement?

We've all heard of prenuptial agreements, either through characters on TV shows or high-paid celebrities, who always seem to be fighting over them. We think of them as documents that protect a spouse from having to part with a huge chunk of money in a divorce. While this is true, prenups can do a lot more than just that.

Do I need a prenup?

One of the most controversial topics that often arises as nuptials approach is the protection contract called a prenuptial agreement. Although it can be an uncomfortable subject to approach, prenups are a truly essential step that should be a part of every engagement.

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