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International travel can complicate child custody disputes

Parents always want the best for their child and will go to any extent to ensure their happiness. And any time that the child is away from home, the parent usually gets upset. However, when the family is involved in child custody disputes both parents might be afraid that they may not get child custody.

Child custody hearings can become quite complicated since an innocent life is involved. The judge always takes into account the best interests of the child while making determinations regarding child custody and child support. Based on the various factors for each case, the judge may allow sole custody, shared custody or split custody.

Many children also like to travel places, however, for children under the age of 16 to travel abroad, the parents have to apply for a passport. If the couple is divorced, one parent can execute the child's passport application after showing proof of sole custody or a court order permitting travel of a parent with the child.

Every parent should be aware of any travel plans that include their child and should take measures to ensure that their custody agreement is honored. Many times a parent has taken a child to another country where he or she does not have to honor the agreement made under American law. This is particularly true for those couples that have an international aspect to their divorce. Therefore, it may not be wise to trust the ex-spouse and take all measures to ensure safety and custody of the child.

A parent who is leaving the country with a child needs to take out a bond that honors the child custody agreement. The travelling parent will have to procure a Ne Exeat bond that specifies the travel itinerary. Also, the parent who remains in the U.S. should be able to communicate with their child frequently in order to avoid stress and anxiety. The advice of an attorney can be helpful in such matters in order to ensure that the travelling parent honors their custody agreement.

Source: Forbes, "Divorced Women: Take Precautions Before Your Children Travel Internationally With Your Ex-Husband," Jeff Landers, May 6, 2014

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