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Virginia parents demand tougher child support enforcement

According to a recent news report, parents in Virginia are demanding that the state's Division of Child Support Enforcement take a tougher stance against parents who are defaulting in child support payments. The parents sent numerous e-mails to a local news station following a report that DCSE was no longer using harsh measures to collect past due child support. The report stated that DCSE has reportedly abandoned its 'Top 10' list publicizing the names of the worst offenders, and case workers are recommending job counseling for delinquent parents rather than putting them behind bars. When questioned, an assistant director of the DCSE denied the allegation that they have gone soft, stating that they have evolved their working procedure.

One parent stated in an email that when her ex moves to a new state, DCSE in Virginia takes around three months to start coordinating with its counterpart in the new state, thereby allowing her ex to work without paying full child support. This parent claims that as soon as Virginia garnishes her ex's paycheck, he quits his job and moves to another state. Furthermore, he can stay out of jail by paying just a portion of his monthly bill.

Other parents also voiced their concerns, stating that defaulting parents often don't appear in court and drag out the court process for more than a year. In the meantime, the custodial parent has to pay all the bills. In addition, the parents allege, case workers often do not push for the entire payment if the parent only pays a part of the bill.

According to the parents defaulters are manipulating the system to their advantage and evading payment of child support. If your ex is able to get away without paying for child support, you might consider consulting a lawyer.

Source:, "Parents say tougher stance, not "softer side," needed for child support," Mike Mather, Nov. 4, 2014.

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