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How child support is collected in Virginia

Virginia divorce may spell the end of a relationship, but it still holds the promise of a new future for couples. However, for children, the term "divorce" is surrounded by a sense of insecurity. Payment of child support is a serious concern in many Virginia cases and throughout the nation. Child support needs to be paid by the non-custodial parent after a divorce, but the terms and conditions of this support can vary.

In Virginia, the payment of child support may be done directly with a bank. The child support enforcement division pays child support directly into a bank account from funds submitted by the non-custodial parent. A custodial parent can use a Virginia EPPI card or enroll in direct deposit. Once the payment is credited to the account, the funds can be withdrawn within two days. Every custodial parent can sign up for an EPPI card. Direct deposit requires the custodial parent to have a bank account in his or her name.

The electronic funds transfer, or EFT, is very reliable since it does not involve going to the bank. It is also more secure since a check cannot get lost. Any custodial parent can sign up for EFT by writing to the Virginia Department of Social Services. A parent will then be notified when direct deposit is set up. Card payments can also start loading within a month and a half of receiving the request.

If a parent has a Virginia EPPI card, then payments can be loaded onto the established card. Nonetheless, the card needs to be activated by the Virginia EPPI card customer service. The EFT service may also be canceled by notifying the department in writing. A custodial parent can contact the bank in order to find out if payment has been credited or not.

Source:, "Child Support Enforcement," accessed on Dec. 7, 2014

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