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Innovation can help resolve complex child custody issues

Child custody is determined by Virginia family courts on the basis of the best interest of the child. Deciding which parent may provide the child with the best chances for emotional, financial and educational development is hard to assess since there is no pre-existing formula that can determine what the child may truly need.

The attorneys of both parties usually introduce evidence in the form of eyewitness testimonies, character witnesses and any other proof that may help a parent to be awarded primary custody of their child. The attorneys at Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates have often used medical records as well as the testimonies of neighbors or school teachers in order to solidify a child custody case.

Sometimes, the biological parents may want an amicable settlement and both parties express a desire to have joint physical custody as well as legal custody. In such cases, the attorneys of the parents may come up with an out-of-court settlement in the form of child custody mediation or arbitration where a neutral third party helps both biological parents to address various child custody matters.

Child custody agreements may also need to be modified at some point in the future. The attorneys at Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates have observed that many biological parents with sole custody or primary custody of the minor child may often relocate to another city or state to obtain a better job opportunity. Cases of relocation may also require a child custody modification agreement and may need to be reviewed by a legal professional in order to navigate the various legal formalities involved.

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