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Time sharing guidelines that can help children of a divorce

No matter how difficult a divorce is on the two spouses, it's almost certainly more difficult for their children. After a child custody agreement, they can suddenly find themselves being pulled in two different directions by their parents. A divorce can also crush their sense of security and leave them emotionally battered. However, there are certain time-sharing guidelines that parents can use when it comes to managing the children's time with each parent. Here are some simple steps that can help during this process.

It's important to remember that time sharing should be fun for both the parents and the children. It shouldn't be a time of stress and it should be used to help maintain the relationship between the parent and the children. Children should be allowed to stay at the home of the non-custodial parent and not just the home that they lived in before their parents were divorced. Time sharing should also include trips to special places or events.

Time sharing should not include spending time at the home of the parent's new boyfriend or girlfriend. That's because the point of the parent being with their children is for them to nurture their relationship. By being with other people, their time with their parent is watered down and the children may start to think that their parent does not want to spend time with them. A new boyfriend or girlfriend should only be introduced to the children when this relationship has become serious.

It's important to also remember that divorced parents may need to be flexible with their children, depending on their age and interests. However, any Virginia resident who needs a child custody agreement may want to speak with a divorce attorney in order to find out the best ways to compromise on the agreement.

Source:, "Children & Divorce," Accessed Feb. 8, 2016

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