Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates Family Law, Bankruptcy, Landlord Tenant Law, Personal Injury
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April 2017 Archives

Should you consider a postnuptial agreement in Virginia?

Most people have heard of prenuptial agreements. These documents outline conditions for the marriage, including how things like asset division and child custody and support will be handled in the case of a divorce. Sometimes, there are clauses that require the marriage to be a certain length for spousal support or infidelity clauses that include a payout to the spouse who has been cheated on.

How to create a parenting plan for a military divorce

Creating a parenting plan can be difficult for any divorcing couple, but if you are part of a military family in Virginia, you may find the process even harder. Not only will all of the typical details need to be considered, but the inconsistencies of military life can make the process much more complicated. We at Jeffrey A Vogelman want to keep the process as simple as possible.

Can I access my child’s records if I do not have custody?

Parenting after divorce can prove to be a difficult struggle. If you do not have custody of your child, you may find yourself constantly battling to have sufficient visitation time and receive the rights you feel you deserve as a parent. One area that can prove especially tricky for non-custodial parents is control over health, medical and school records. Even if you do not have custody, situations may arise where you need to access your child’s information. The Virginia State government details what the law says about these incidents.

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Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates
124 South Royal Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: 703-836-3400
Fax: 703-836-3549
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