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Posts tagged "prenuptial agreements"

Typical subjects that could be covered in a prenuptial agreement

A prenuptial agreement can be a very flexible tool and it can help protect the assets of both spouses should they decide to divorce. It can also offer debt protection for both of the spouses. These can be crucial benefits for anyone who is starting their life over and may now only have one source of income to depend on. There are some typical topics that could be included in a prenuptial agreement in order to provide maximum protection.

Poll indicates that more postnuptial agreements are now drawn up

Many couples have signed prenuptial agreements to protect their assets in the event they get divorced. It's also common for couples who have considerable assets to sign a postnuptial agreement once they have gotten married. Now, a recent poll of divorce attorneys indicates that there has been a rise in the number of postnuptial agreements that are being drawn up.

How prenuptial agreement save couples from headaches

The sad reality about marriage in the United States is that approximately half will ultimately end in divorce. This is typically the last thing on a newly engaged couple's mind as they plan a wedding. Couples on the eve of a wedding should be thinking about a venue and theme, guest lists, table settings and food. And a honeymoon. But the possibility of divorce and a prenuptial agreement, commonly called a prenup?

Couples seeking prenuptial agreements need to be vigilant

One of the biggest advantages of having a prenuptial agreement is that, even if the ensuing divorce is unpleasant, the financial terms of a divorce settlement have already been determined. Such financial aspects of the divorce can include alimony, child support and property division. That can often lead to a more amicable settlement of the dispute, even during difficult times in a couple's life. With the high rate of divorce in the United States, many Virginia residents find it necessary to consult an attorney to draft a marital agreement, which is often beneficial later on.

What are the advantages of signing a prenuptial agreement?

Many Virginia couples are considering a prenuptial agreement before marriage because they realize the value in having a contingency plan in place in case of divorce. Even though having a prenuptial agreement may seem like an unromantic action or even a jinx to marital happiness before vows are spoken, signing a prenuptial agreement is a practical action which can save bitterness later on.

Oil mogul divorce may be the most expensive ever

A divorce can be emotionally traumatic. To make matters worse, high asset divorces often include a division of a vast amount of properties, or expensive alimony and child support, which may cause a bitter battle for years.

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