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Couples seeking prenuptial agreements need to be vigilant

One of the biggest advantages of having a prenuptial agreement is that, even if the ensuing divorce is unpleasant, the financial terms of a divorce settlement have already been determined. Such financial aspects of the divorce can include alimony, child support and property division. That can often lead to a more amicable settlement of the dispute, even during difficult times in a couple's life. With the high rate of divorce in the United States, many Virginia residents find it necessary to consult an attorney to draft a marital agreement, which is often beneficial later on.

In essence, a prenuptial agreement is a marital contract that can include various aspects of the breakdown of the marriage. Many people consider a prenuptial agreement to be a contingency plan, much like insurance, in the event that a divorce becomes a reality. Over time, the stigma of a prenuptial agreement as being unromantic and even bringing bad luck to the marriage have been overshadowed by the practicality of having an agreement in place in the event that the couple decides to part ways.

Many couples consult an attorney like Jeffrey A. Vogelman and Associates if one of the spouses has a lot more assets than the other one. Furthermore, the person with greater assets might even have inherited some property, which has been in their family for generations and which that person wishes to protect from being divided in the divorce.

Prenuptial agreements have often been regarded as a means for the wealthy to protect their assets. However, that no longer holds true. Many couples who draft a prenuptial agreement do so not because one of them has a lot more money but because one of the spouses has a lot of debts. Furthermore, one of the spouses might also have children from a previous relationship and protecting the interests of those children also plays a vital role in the decision to have a prenuptial agreement in place.

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