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Posts tagged "child custody"

What does Virginia law say about best interests of the child?

When a couple in Virginia has a child and there is a decision as to child custody and visitation rights, the state will pay great attention to the best interests of the child. The court has numerous factors that it will consider when making the decision regarding child custody. Parents who are in the midst of a case regarding child custody or are having a dispute need to know about these factors as the case commences.

What is a standby guardian in Virginia?

Most Virginia residents agree that parents have an unconditional love for their children and will always do what's best for them. But sometimes situations develop in a parent's life where they may not be able to take care of their children. In this type of situation Virginia parents can employ a legal method known as a standby guardian. But exactly what is a standby guardian, and what are its limitations?

The basics of child custody laws in Virginia

Virginia child custody laws have some things in common with other states, including that child custody decisions always focus on the best interests of the child. In addition, child custody laws in Virginia give special importance to the wishes of the child. In general, there is typically a custodial parent, who has custody of the child, and sometimes the other parent is non-custodial but enjoys visitation rights with the child. In other circumstances, both parents may share custody.

Guidelines parents can use during a child custody dispute

A child custody dispute can quickly turn ugly for everyone involved, including the children. Sometimes, all it takes is for one parent to believe that the other has been trying to prevent them from seeing their children. However, it's important to remember that during a child custody dispute, there are some simple dos and don'ts that parents should follow in order to minimize the emotional and psychological damage that the dispute can have on their children.

Time sharing guidelines that can help children of a divorce

No matter how difficult a divorce is on the two spouses, it's almost certainly more difficult for their children. After a child custody agreement, they can suddenly find themselves being pulled in two different directions by their parents. A divorce can also crush their sense of security and leave them emotionally battered. However, there are certain time-sharing guidelines that parents can use when it comes to managing the children's time with each parent. Here are some simple steps that can help during this process.

How the Virginia Putative Father Registry can protect a father

Being recognized as a father grants Virginians certain rights regarding their child. Conversely, failing to be recognized as a father of a child can deny that person those same rights. Fortunately, in 2006, the Virginia General Assembly passed a law that created the Virginia Putative Child Registry. The program is run by the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS).

What types of child custody arrangements are in Virginia?

Child custody is one of the most important topics that must be settled during the process of divorce. While most Virginia residents are familiar with the concepts of joint and sole custody, Virginia does also recognize other types of custodial arrangements for children of a divorce. But, what are all the types of custody arrangements that are recognized in Virginia?

Can a grandparent get custody of their grandchild in Virginia?

Most grandchildren give their love unconditionally to their grandparents. That's because grandparents are a special part of their lives. However, some Virginia grandparents have found it necessary to actually raise their grandchildren due to complex circumstances. However, does the state of Virginia actually allow grandparents to obtain legal custody of their grandchildren?

Man believes ex-wife illegally raised monthly child support

Divorce can become a very emotional affair and can sometimes bring out the worst behavior in people. Spouses can try and out-maneuver each other in an attempt to get a more favorable divorce settlement. However, one divorced man has now accused his ex-wife of actually stealing his private information in order to secure an increase in the amount of child support that he pays her.

Can a Virginia parent and child move after a custody decision?

Many Virginia residents know that child custody is one of the hardest decisions that a court has to make during a divorce. That is because the health and well-being of a child is at stake. But what happens to a custodial parent and child if their circumstances change after the divorce is final? Can a parent relocate with their child once a child custody decision has been made?

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Alexandria, VA 22314

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