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A look at prenuptial agreements

Prenuptial agreements sometimes get a bad rap. There are some soon-to-be married couples who do not believe pre-nuptials to be in line with their ideas of marriage. The fact remains, however, that couples have a statistically high chance of getting a divorce. Every situation is different, but it never hurts to plan ahead. And, with an understanding of what prenuptial agreements entail, many are more willing to consider them as an option and become open to discussing the option with their partners.

When some Virginia residents think of prenuptial agreements, they may think that they serve to protect against spouses who would exploit future finances. This makes them think that the signing of prenuptial agreements is an act of distrust, and thus contrary to what marriage should be. While prenuptial agreements do protect against financial exploitation, that is not their only, or even their primary, purpose.

A prenuptial agreement can serve to predetermine spousal support and division of property. The benefit is that these matters are determined in a time that is not emotionally tumultuous and couples can decide the issues with clear heads. Prenuptial agreements can also help to protect assets and protect the interests of children and grandchildren, as inheritances can be planned for in the case of divorce. In the end, the agreement is just an act of prudence, not an act of distrust.

That said, most couples have unique interests when it comes to prenuptial agreements. In order to devise individualized plans, couples often seek out more information about this process. With help, they can oftentimes come to an agreement that is legally sound and meets the couple's unique needs.

Source: Huffington Post, "Unpacking Prenuptial Agreements," Caroline Choi, Feb. 4, 2014

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