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Posts tagged "child support"

How can Virginia residents minimize their taxes after divorce?

In Virginia, divorce not only can mean an emotional shock to a spouse, but also affects his or her finances. One principal area that affects every divorced person is taxes, especially federal income taxes and how they are affected by child support, spousal support and property division. For this reason, sitting down with a tax professional who can show a taxpayer all of the options available to him or her can ultimately lessen the individual's tax burden.

What property rights are created by marriage and divorce?

The end of a marriage typically raises a variety of strong emotions, including sadness, bitterness, anger, resentment and depression. Marital dissolution also usually has financial implications for both spouses and any children involved, with issues such as spousal support, child support, and property division to be determined and then finalized in a divorce decree. As an equitable distribution state, Virginia requires that marital property and assets be fairly divided at the time of divorce.

Virginia parents demand tougher child support enforcement

According to a recent news report, parents in Virginia are demanding that the state's Division of Child Support Enforcement take a tougher stance against parents who are defaulting in child support payments. The parents sent numerous e-mails to a local news station following a report that DCSE was no longer using harsh measures to collect past due child support. The report stated that DCSE has reportedly abandoned its 'Top 10' list publicizing the names of the worst offenders, and case workers are recommending job counseling for delinquent parents rather than putting them behind bars. When questioned, an assistant director of the DCSE denied the allegation that they have gone soft, stating that they have evolved their working procedure.

Establishing paternity; a major step in obtaining child support

Every child deserves to know his or her mother and father and get love and affection from both parents. Ideally, both parents are present during the child's upbringing. However, separations do happen, and when a child resides with only one parent, child support may be necessary for meeting day-to-day expenses.

Oil mogul divorce may be the most expensive ever

A divorce can be emotionally traumatic. To make matters worse, high asset divorces often include a division of a vast amount of properties, or expensive alimony and child support, which may cause a bitter battle for years.

Divorce signals a new beginning to life

Many Virginia residents know sometimes divorcing couples suffer from depression. Many others do not want to separate, but are forced to by their spouses. However, these negative thoughts may not be a correct way to think of a divorce because they may hurt a divorcing spouse's future. Divorce should be thought of not as the ending of a life, but as a new beginning.

Is divorce through technology advisable?

With the advent of the internet, the world experienced many changes. Emails made correspondence faster, and reaching out to prospective customers became easier when the world became accessible online. Today, many people from Virginia use technology to buy various products online. Food deliveries, paying bills and accessing medical records is now very easy thanks to technology. However, using the internet may not be advisable in certain circumstances.

Parents: Avoid these divorce pitfalls

As divorcing parents in Virginia are likely aware, there is a lot to consider during divorce. Child custody arrangements must be settled, marital assets must be divided and alimony must be decided on. Because they have so much on their plates, it is understandable that divorcing parents sometimes make mistakes. When they are equipped with the right kind of knowledge, however, divorcing parents can avoid these divorce pitfalls and devise a strong and effective divorce strategy. Recently a divorce attorney writing on a popular news site listed some mistakes parents are prone to make.

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